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Discover Brocéliande in Brittany

The Forest of Broceliande

The campsite is situated to 15 km of Tréhorenteuc, carries the West of Broceliande. You will discover it the Chapel of Graal of the Abbot Gillard: stained glasses and paintings, real works of art rich in symbolism, hyphens between the legends and the spirituality. A little farther, the Golden (…)

Brittany’s inland, Ground of legends

Sarah and Mathieu welcome you in the heart of Brittany, earth of legends, near the forest of Broceliande. In the country of Merlin the Enchanter, Fairies and Sprites, the Knights of the Round Table invite you in the Collection of Graal... You will discover, in the course of the paths of the (…)


Domaine de la fée Viviane, Tréhorenteuc est la porte d’entrée vers le Val sans retour. Tréhorenteuc est un incontournable de Brocéliande.


En plein cœur de Brocéliande, découvrez Paimpont chargée d’histoire et d’incontournables à visiter entre Nature et Légende.